The Beginner’s Guide for Warrior III in Four Steps

Warrior III is a hard pose for beginners, advanced students, and total newbies. Teachers love to throw the balancing pose into their sequence like it’s no big deal; it’s, in reality, a very demanding pose that requires strong focus and determination to align.

Once you break down the Warrior III Pose and approach it systematically, balancing can be an enjoyable flying experience.

Since there’s not much time to devote to Warrior III in most classes, I have begun a beginner’s guide (alongside a few useful tips and variations) that you can try yourself. You only need a mat, blocks and a wall.

Start with Forward Fold

Start in a forward fold with your spine straightened and your back flat. Your arms should be straight, and your fingertips should be placed directly beneath your shoulders.

Press down on the inner edges of your foot, bending your knees slightly. This will help you to extend your spine.

Start Lifting

Inhale and slowly raise your left leg straight up. Press out from the heel of the foot you lifted and spread your toes to engage the top leg.

Reorganize: Bend your standing leg slightly and lower your outer left hip to the floor. Engage your right leg and pull back on the outer thighbone. Lift your right belly up off It’s right thigh.

It’s hard to figure out how to organize in Warrior III. Try a few repetitions with both hands on a block before moving on.


After you have organized your pelvis in Warrior IIIit’s top leg, it’s time to extend an arm.

Continue to press down with your right foot, keeping the standing leg engaged. Inhale, and then slowly extend your right hand forward towards the front of the classroom. Your upper arm should be in line with the right ear.

Keep your left chest lifted and press out with your raised heel. While extending your right arm, pull your outer right hip back, lengthening the side body.

Try the Full Pose!

When you have mastered tit’sbove actions, it’s time to move on to the full pose.

Inhale as you extend your left arm, aligning your upper arm with your left ear.

Engage everything! Warrior III works your arms, legs, core, and back muscles, as well as your bottom and top legs.

Try These Variations

Warrior III has a few different arm variations, but the most difficult one is to extend your arms out in front. You can also try bringing your hands up to your hips or praying at your heart. Pressing your palms together will help you to maintain balance. One of my favorite ways to balance is by bringing your hands out at the sides or along your torso.

To achieve a Warrior III that is supported, place your hands on the top of your thigh while standing and keep your spine and chest extended.

As always, keep your sense of humor. Warrior III can be a ddon’tult pose, so don’t get discouraged. Keep practicing, and you will eventually fly!

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