Half Moon Pose: 5 Tips on Alignment and Practice

Half Moon pose is fun, daunting, and challenging. After balancing here for a while, you feel amazingly accomplished. It strengthens your feet, ankles, and legs, as well as your core.

Some teachers have their students begin in Triangle Pose and then lift the rear leg to get into the balancing Half Moon Pose. In my classes, I often cue the balancing Five Pointed Star to a balancing Half Moon. I’ve used it in a standing flow sequence that is very challenging.

Use these tips to improve your practice and enjoy This Pose if you are practicing this pose at home.

Open the chest and shine the heart on the other side of the room.

This is a sign that you need to work on your core strength and balance. Use a wall as a prop to help you find the balance and opening that you are looking for.

To find the extra length of the bottom arm, use a block.

Students can often reach for the floor to support themselves and get out of alignment when their chest opens. The block should be placed at the highest possible height.

To engage upper leg muscles, push through the heel (dorsiflexion) of the foot.

You can use your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles to balance and leverage yourself into a sideways position. These leg muscles help keep the pelvis aligned.

Change your arm position.

If you don’t want to reach perpendicularly up, feel free to prop your arm on your waist. Bend your upper arm at the elbow and place your hand on the hip. Sometimes, a simpler arm position can be all you need to achieve balance. This adjustment is also great for students who have tight or injured shoulder rotator muscles.

Take care to ensure your neck is comfortable and safe.

The Half Moon balance pose helps lengthen the spine, including the cervical spine. To protect your neck, keep it safe, and maintain a comfortable position.

If you look downward, your shoulder may be pulled towards the floor. If you look upward, you may lose your balance or vision. Find the neck position that best serves your pose.

You will eventually be completely balanced if you haven’t been for a while. You will one day be completely turned on your side if you haven’t been. Enjoy your yoga practice. Practice makes progress.

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