Six Alignment Tips for the Revolved Triangle Pose

Prvritta Trikonasana is a challenging pose for any yoga practitioner. Many beginner and advanced yogis struggle with it. This asana has so much going on—hamstring and calf stretches, a deep twist, a balance component…and then the yoga teacher asks you to breathe!? It’s not easy.

Here are some tips on how to achieve the most authentic version of the revolved triangle pose.

The feet should be placed in the correct position.

This pose is traditionally done with a heel-to-heel position. It may not be suitable for all yogis. It isn’t easy to maintain balance in heel-toe alignment if you have wide or tight hips. Step the feet apart as if you were on two sides of a street.

The Feet are Grounded

Be aware that you have two feet on earth when practicing the revolved triangle. Press down on the edge of the heel to prevent the ankle from collapsing. Press into the ball of your front foot as well to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed.

Active feet will lead to active legs. The thighs and legs will be working hard to keep you feeling stable on the ground.


In this asana, we would like to have the hips equidistant. This might not be feasible for everyone. You will get there by simply trying to square your hips. Take the middle of your rear bum (or the back thighbone) and bring it back. Next, move the front hip forward.


In Prvritta Trikonasana, we want the back to be long and stretched. Before you twist, extend your chest. Move the breastbone energetically forward. The sides and back of the waist will be lengthened.


This pose is twisted from the belly. Once you have checked your alignment by following steps 1-4, start turning the belly button towards the front thigh. To get there, take a few deep breaths.

Check in with your feet, legs, and hips. Then, twist a bit deeper when you take the next breath.


Here, check in with your head and neck. When the head is fully extended in a revolved triangle position, it will be looking upwards toward the extended fingers. For many, this pose is bad for the neck. Look down at your front foot or straight ahead at a distant dash.

All bodies will appear different in every pose. It would be best if you used the alignment that is most comfortable for your body. Yoga should feel good, bring us into a state of balance, and not cause discomfort.

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