How to find ‘Yogi time’ for your Yogi Self and why it’s important

We are all busy. There seems to be always something to do—whether it’s laundry, dishes, work emails, yard work, preparing meals, or errands. Fitting a yoga practice every day (even a short one) can be challenging.

When we finally reach the point of the day where we can do yoga, our minds are already drained. It is for this reason that I cannot stress enough how important it is to find yogi-time for your yogi-self.

What is Yogi Time?

You can give yourself a Yogi time as a present. Yogi-time is any time during the day when you are focused on your inner being, your truth, and your soul. Asanas are not required to make up yogi time. Give yourself the breathing space and growth you need.

You can benefit from yoga by taking time for yourself.

Yoga on a mat… or not?

Most people find it beneficial to start their day with a yoga session. It’s usually my first choice, but only if I have the time and energy. Sometimes, it’s okay not to practice yoga asana.

Yoga isn’t always a good option for me in my daily life. I may not be in the right mindset to benefit from it, or I may be too tired physically. However, you’re still a yoga practitioner, even if you skip the asanas!

Journalize your thoughts

It’s a good example of yogi time because writing is an effective way to express creative mindfulness. It’s a great way to relieve stress and get all your emotions and thoughts out on the table.

Writing is the best way for me to express my emotions and where I get many of my greatest insights!


Self-care can be practiced in many ways. One way is to eat healthy and care for your body. Self-adulation, such as hot baths or massages, can also be a way to feel good.

The third category is self-education. You can read a book, learn more about a hobby, or educate yourself on a particular topic. Knowledge is power.


A short meditation can be all that you need to feel renewed and refreshed. Meditation doesn’t require a lot of mental energy. I find that some of my most productive mediations come from simply sitting down in a quiet, comfortable place and listening to the sounds around me.

Sit in silence and let your mind be cleansed.

Hike or walk in the nature.

It’s important to be in nature. Walk (barefoot, perhaps?) Plan a hike in the backcountry or a park nearby. You can also visit your local botanical garden to admire the plants and animals.

There are many ways to get outside, even in winter. This will help you recondition both your mind and body to the natural world.

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