For years, I had a love-hate relationship with Bikram yoga. A natural rebel of authority, …

For years, I had a love-hate relationship with Bikram yoga. A natural rebel of authority, …
Dolphins are considered many things, including bubbly, creative, playful, and fun-loving. They are well known …
Life is full of challenges: some that can be worked through and some that can …
As with any other yoga pose, the best way to sequence your yoga class or …
In yoga, we call the branch dedicated to our breathing techniques Pranayama, which means breath …
Pigeon Pose is a delicious hip opener. However, it can be tremendously hard to see …
Eight Angle Pose or Astavakrasana requires a strong core, powerful arm strength, and reasonable opening …
In Sanskrit, mandala means frog. Interestingly, frogs are known for their amazing sense of hearing, …
You may feel that everyone you know is now doing yoga. As a yoga teacher, …
Yoga teachers sometimes feel like they are repeating the same verbal cues over and over …